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Change Management Mentoring

Change managers are always helping others to find their north star, but who helps a change manager find theirs? I offer an exclusive change management mentoring service to change practitioners and change practices. I mentor individuals one-on-one or entire change practices in a group setting.


Gain the skills and insights that position you as expert, build your reputation, attract the best assignments, get the respect of peers and command a premium fee.


Empower YOUR

Get your very own change management mentor!

What do we focus on?


We focus on where your greatest need is at the time. Broadly we cover when to do what in the change management delivery cycle, when, why and how. Woven through this exploration, we build your skills and capabilities as a change manager, to position you as an expert change management practitioner.


How does it work?


I will mentor and, where appropriate and helpful, supply you with tools and templates to assist you.


We may conduct some evaluations on your values, strengths and development areas. Mentoring topics tend to pace through the change delivery lifecycle.


What can we cover?


This will depend on where you are in your journey as a change management practitioner, and the type of assignment you're working on. Here's some topics covered by previous clients.


- How to manage sponsors, your program and/or project manager and senior executives.

- How to ensure all stakeholders are captured and build an effective stakeholder assessment.

- How to conduct a robust high level and detailed change impact assessment which works.

- How to position and manage expectations on the scale of the change impact.

- How to develop and socialise a compelling change plan.

- How to work with challenging stakeholders and manage organisational/eco-system politics.

- How to successfully socialise and position the change.

- How to conduct business readiness assessment.

- How to develop meaningful success measures and evaluate the change management success.

- How to conduct a change implementation review and plan for future initiatives.


What is the standard package?


The standard mentoring package is 4 hours weekly. This breaks down as follows.   


  • 2 hours virtual consult with me via either Zoom or Teams (as you prefer).

  • 1 - 2 hours of homework (depends on subject matter and application to your change assignment).


We debrief on the homework in our 2-hour weekly mentoring sessions. Book a package of one week's mentoring or book many. The timing and frequency are up to you!


What is the cost?


The corporate mentoring package is priced at NZ$1,100.00.


Casual 1-hour mentoring is priced at NZ$300.00. Buy one or buy a series. Have your sessions weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

Together at the Top
testimonials - what mentees are saying...

Janice - starting a new role as a Change Practice Lead (recorded Jan 26, 2024)

Yogi - navigating complex change and finding career clarity (recorded February 17, 2024)

Get a Quote

Fill out your name and best email below to discuss your mentoring requirement. In our fifteen-minute call you can describe your present change challenges and I will provide at least two potential solutions to move you forward in your journey - with no obligation!

Thanks for your mentoring enquiry!

Elephant Rider badge for Barb Grant, change management consultant and award winning author of, 'Change Management that Sticks'
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